These are leaders just like
you who experienced:

A Real-Time Raw Engagement


A Coordinated Pre-Packaged Program

It’s been my privilege to serve founders, elite leaders, and other exclusive clientele who came to me even after working with some of the biggest household names.

When these top-rated experts and their isolated connections came up short, my clients and I (including my team of 40+ specialists) synergized and got the job done
all within a window of 3-12 months.

Confidentiality: Privacy is paramount to every leader engaged in this dynamic with me. Therefore, I never include names with testimonials.

“Influential people need powerful, unconventional resources that go beyond pretentious
ego-stroking and self-serving propaganda created and militantly executed by “celebrity
coaches.” They need someone radical to go into the trenches of their individual lives to
holistically transition them from regurgitated followers into self-sustaining, elite
powerhouses. These are the types of leaders that truly change the world.”

-Wylie McGraw


When expensive coaches, programs, and systems provided ideas and insights,
but left gaps in personal application and performance…


“I was becoming something unrecognizable to myself...”

I’ve spent millions on personal development over my career. I’ve even invested in private mentorships with Tony Robbins and Brendan Burchard. As a CEO, my performance is constantly under a microscope. So, I hired the biggest names in the game, expecting their efforts to drastically improve my overall productivity. They had a valuable impact on my mindset and business strategy, but the “battle plans” they provided did not resolve the unpredictability in the flow of my business. It seemed to me that there was much more that could’ve been addressed, especially for the high price I paid. This process eventually left me burned out and feeling stuck as my relationships, health, and bank accounts began to suffer. I did not expect this would be my end point after these efforts.  As time progressed, I became anxious, often waking up in cold sweats. I was becoming something unrecognizable to myself, even with my past financial success. I was scaring my wife, my child, and my employees.

“This was the total life overhaul I desperately needed and received.”

An acquaintance of mine introduced me to this guy I never heard of before. All I can say is there was something that seemed very different about him. Deciding to work privately with Wylie took months for me, yet he stayed connected and gracious throughout the entire time, indicating there was no rush and that timing was a crucial component for his work. The investment was significantly high. The work was intimate and intense. He committed to live and travel with me as needed and did so often. This was like nothing I had ever heard of, and after finally realizing I needed to work with him, this whole relationship woke me up to a new reality of “personal development” that I did not know was even available, let alone possible. I don’t recall investing in anything more comprehensive and life-altering. Wylie was the only one who detected the nuanced grievances plaguing my personal life that directly caused my inability to thrive in my business and relationships. This was the total life overhaul I desperately needed and received.


“Thank you for changing my life. This was the most rewarding and powerful
experience I’ve ever invested in. I think of you often, Wylie”




Other clients (sharing similar sentiments) came from working with the following resources:


When isolated treatment provided acute relief but was incapable of offering complete resolution…


“The Only Release I Could
Imagine Was Death.”

As the founder of a global non-profit, I know people regard me as strong and powerful, but I didn’t feel like that on the inside. Instead, I felt broken and messy - like something was infecting every nook and cranny of my life, even my health. In fact, when I first met Wylie, I was in a constant rut of chronic illness. I consulted world-class doctors, Harvard clinicians, the Mayo Clinic; and yet, all they could do was pump me with antibiotics unable to determine exactly what ailed me. Each treatment had promised me hope but left me in the same place I started, and the lack of resolution was seriously impacting me. It hurt my career, my mental health, and worst of all, my family and marriage. It got to a point where the only release I could imagine was death. But Wylie promised there was a better way out of this, and after concluding with my medical team, I decided to take that leap.

“I Was Demanded To Finally
Speak My Fucking ‘Truth’…”

In the early days of my time with Wylie, I was convinced that the root of my issues was something simple that just kept getting overlooked. But he didn’t just focus on my body. Wylie traced a path all the way back to my childhood and made me realize that maybe my problems had little to do with viruses or bacteria and medical interventions. It all truly stemmed from twenty years of struggle and guilt of hard relationship truths and repressed emotion. Discovering that and digging into it was grueling. I didn’t want to recognize that I’ve had feelings that move beyond my marriage or had been ignoring my sexuality and power for years. Wylie didn’t let me sink into denial, though, and pushed me to confront my demons head-on. It was intense, sometimes scary work. I was demanded to finally speak my fucking “truth” which ultimately gave me my life back, making all the difficulties more than worth it.


“You must be from another world because this was quite crazy and intense. I feel better than
ever, and things are where I hoped they could be with my family and my foundation. People are
noticing and money is flowing, and it’s just wow. Thank you again, take care.”




Other clients (sharing similar sentiments) came from working with the following resources:


When medicinals were used to circumvent traumas or try to evolve consciousness, but
ultimately left the body and mind more toxic and confused…


“Being A Hollywood A-Lister
Can Be Difficult.”

Being a Hollywood A-Lister can be difficult. Juggling media exposure, studio pressure, work - all while trying to have a private life at the same time - often feels nearly impossible. Even walking down the street is a whole event and it had me at my breaking point. So, a mutual friend put me in touch with Wylie. I’ll admit, I was ready to bail after only a month and run away just like I had with all the other people that had come before him. But Wylie didn’t just sit back and watch me bolt. He talked me down and talked me through, inevitably helping me discover how the lack of personal awareness of my flaws had me overcompensating and finding exits I never really needed to take. It was eye-opening, making me finally see how working around my problems rather than actively dealing with them has created chaos in my professional and personal life alike.

“I’ve Rediscovered Myself & Learned To Embrace Life Head-On.”

The road to clarity and personal growth was rocky. Even after gaining some perspective, I still did precisely what Wylie had expected: I tried a shortcut. For a while, I experimented with several psychedelics, including ayahuasca and ketamine. My thoughts were that they’d help me deal with my inner demons, but that failed miserably. Back in LA, I eventually had a break down during a dinner with Wylie, confessing about the dread I’d felt surrounding fame and authenticity. I’d finally put all my cards on the table and in turn, Wylie promised to show me how to find calm in the chaos. It took months of daily training, but he really did pull through. Fame is a non-issue now and I’ve even found someone special. But perhaps most importantly, I’ve rediscovered myself and learned to embrace life head-on. All the hacks, the shortcuts, the hasty exits - those are in the past right where they belong.


“You’re a damn force, but such a good one. I was deep in my funk for too long. I appreciate you
for seeing the real me and for not letting up when I wanted you to. I won’t forget you.”




Other clients (sharing similar sentiments) came from working with the following resources:


When specialized intervention helped identify the issues and their causes, but never fully healed them…


“From corporate to private enterprise,
I noticed I was lagging behind.”

Working as a Fortune 100 Finance Executive is demanding. It requires constant improvement, an almost supernatural ability to tolerate stress. I was keenly aware of this, investing easily over $500k on personal coaching to ensure my professional career met the mark. Yet when I transitioned from corporate to private enterprise, I noticed I was lagging behind and didn’t know what to do. But then I met Wylie at an international event. He instantly struck me as a guy who knew the secrets to life. So, we spent time together in conversation, and not too long after our first meeting I committed to a working relationship. Our first few days working together hit me like a brick wall. Wylie confronted what I’d been struggling with for years. Instead of being a sex addict, he revealed I was suffering from perceived stress associated with intimacy issues. And the SAA meetings I was attending enabled my deep sense of corruption. Years of self-judgement and shame came pouring out and everything changed in an instant. Wylie wiped the slate clean, and it felt amazing.

“He delivered the great reset he promised.”

Wylie was with me for the better part of a year, and he got results where others only scratched the surface. He uncovered a string of issues that were holding me back, starting with the SAA meetings. Where they had their place and gave me a community, I was using them to compensate for my inability to maintain healthy social relationships. I’d been a corporate man all my life, and the truth is that I’d lost the ability to connect with people outside that box - to open up, to be vulnerable. Then on a professional level, I’d created an insane performance requirement for myself. But launching a new business is never the same as working in a corporate environment, and I had to shift my expectations if I ever wanted to succeed. Wylie gave me that opportunity and then some. He delivered the great reset he promised and, more importantly, allowed me to form intimate bonds with others- something I hadn’t experienced in a long, long time.


“You’ve done great things for me and I’m forever grateful.
You are a man who commands respect, and you surely have mine.”




Other clients (sharing similar sentiments) came from working with the following resources:


When spiritual practices helped open the mind and heart but were then used
to deflect from personal truths and responsibility…


“I went from wild success to total failure...”

Music is special. It touches people, gives them hope and helps to mend the spirit. But even with 17 years under my belt as a producer and songwriter, I still found my own broken. I went from wild success to total failure, and that fall from grace hit me hard. It thrashed my creative process, distorted my relationships with my partner and kids and left me mentally fractured. So, I paid god-knows how many gurus to “fix me” and I dove headfirst into mindfulness and spirituality thinking it would make a difference. It became my religion, and I was convinced it was healing me. But it wasn’t. It was all a facade, and it didn’t take Wylie long to call me on the bullshit. He was right. I was using spirituality as a coping mechanism, a crutch to avoid facing my past. It was time to face the music and he got me through it every step of the way.

“I’m still a spiritual guy but it’s no longer a way of ignoring my issues.”

Going into this all, I expected everything to be slow, cautious. Yeah, it wasn’t. Week one, Wylie is living with me - in my home - and it takes him zero time at all to pull the rug out from under my feet. He totally exposed me to all my issues, laid bare my fears of becoming my father and made me see how I’d glossed over feelings of unworthiness with spirituality. Covering things up with mantra isn’t the same as dealing with them. That’s a hard pill to swallow but I’m glad Wylie forced me to do it. It had me own up to my problems and retake control over my life. It made me better. I’m still a spiritual guy but it’s no longer a way of ignoring my issues. No, I handle those now and that’s stabilized my whole life - saving my marriage, my relationship with my kids, and my career.


“Wylie I honestly don’t know where I’d be without your support.
I am super grateful brother, thank you.” 




Other clients (sharing similar sentiments) came from working with the following resources:


When military tactics were used to create a model for practical discipline(s),
but did not cultivate authentic leadership abilities…


“Falling in line with what I’d been doing just kept me achieving more of the same.”

Working in the NFL, I know what it’s like to pack a stadium, to watch a field full of millionaires play their hearts out and take home the trophy. Organizing my role takes military-like precision. I spent years working with military vets turned performance coaches, developing my strategic and tactical abilities to create order and routine for my work. But no matter how often I’d go through the paces, I knew there was room for more. It felt as if I was practicing for a game that I never got to play. And when you’re playing to win, that’s simply not good enough. I needed something better - something that could give me the real results I’d been looking for while fitting into my lifestyle. I thought training with other military-style coaches would suffice, but I was wrong. Falling in line with what I’d been doing just kept me achieving more of the same.

“It's improved more than just how I lead in this organization…”

Working with Wylie felt like having a seasoned player watching my back. Checking in with me on a daily basis, really integrating into my life allowed him to strip back layer after layer of stressors. He got down to the core of who I am in no time; calculated for personal dynamics, health, performance, and, more importantly, my standards. It was impressive, and all while I kept living my day-to-day life: no interruptions, no artificial environments. His direct feedback gave me an invaluable practical advantage and allowed him to pinpoint personal dilemmas that I was too busy to deal with. It’s a good thing he did because fixing those elements eliminated tripwires that were boxing in my behavior. His approach was radical, but it gave me the lateral perspective I needed to treat each scenario differently. It’s improved more than just how I lead in this organization - it’s also changed my health and relationships for the better.


“Nothing I’ve done prior pales in comparison to your relentless commitment to me being better than my ego. Wylie, you definitely made me feel my life differently and I have no doubt this comes
because of our serendipitous meeting. Enjoy that whisky, be well my man.”




Other clients (sharing similar sentiments) came from working with the following resources:

I customize a framework to each leader, taking into consideration their current performance capacity, their responsibilities, and
their personal and professional life.

It’s intimate.

It’s difficult.

And it works.


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